Decorator Crabs Are The Masters of Camouflage!

We’ve all seen how wild animals can develop excellent camouflage for the habitats where they are found. Creatures like stonefish, geckos and especially insect can just about disappear in their environments but there’s at least one animal which trumps them all. …

Decorator Crab decorated with zoanthid polyps

A red decorator crab (Leptopsia setirostris) is being spied upon on this video. He is  living upon, and decorated with, “zoanthid polyps (Zoanthus sociatus), close cousins to both sea anemones and corals.  Zoanthus in Latin literally means ‘animal flower’.  The…

Decorator crab captured stealing zoos from Coral Morphologic

So this is where all those amazingly beautiful zoas have been going to. It makes perfect sense. Read