Hemianthus vivanus is a deepwater Caribbean anthias with a cockatoo’s crest

It’s really a shame that America is the largest consumer of marine ornamentals and although we spend a lot of energy acquiring the most exotic reef animals from around the world, yet the reef fish of our own backyards go…

TED talk: Glowing Sealife is much more diverse and spectacular than you can imagine

Bioluminescence is a biochemical trick which is performed by 80 to 90 % of ocean life but we know precious little about the different ways that bioluminescence is used. Even as a trained Marine Scientist I was not aware that…

Prognathodes basabei, the Orange Margin butterflyfish pushes the limits of how deep fish are collected

After ten years since the first time this species was collected, Blue Harbor has once again obtained the ultimate deep living butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei. This Deepwater Hawaiian endemic was originally collected in 1998 and it was known for a long…

Deep Sea NOAA mission discovers new coral species

The findings of a deepsea NOAA mission were published today, revealing that several new coral species were discovered a mile below the ocean surface. Six of the seven new corals may represent new coral genera which is quite a startling…

Richard Pyle talks about exploring the reef’s Twilight Zone

Richard Pyle is the pre-eminent fish nerd, deep diver extraordinaire. In this illuminating video Dr. Pyle talks about what it’s like to do really deep dive and the focus it takes to cacth elusive fish at those depths. Richard’s main…

New photos of the amazing deepwater Barreleye fish

Don’t expect to see this one become available from your LFS any time soon, or ever. The deepwater specialist (and staring contest champion) has two large tubular eyes and transparent dome covering it’s vision. It is believed that this fish…

Reefbuilders crowns a new holy grail, the Yellowlined Japanese Anthias

Now that the once highly coveted Odontanthias borbonius is relatively common in the marine aquarium, it’s time for rare fish fanciers to set their sights on more elusive fish. Reefbuilders is the online authority on rare reef fish and as such,…

Newly discovered giant deepwater “Venus Fly Trap” is a carnivorous sea-squirt

Researchers probing deepwater regions of Tasmanian oceanic waters have discovered a wealth of new species and previously unknown cold water coral communities. One of the most striking finds is a giant sea squirt which resembles a large venus fly-trap. Like…