It looks as though Synchiropus circularis and S. splendidus are intentionally hybridising in the wild

The mandarins and scooters in the genus Synchiropus are among some of the most endearing and staple favourites in the aquarium hobby. Mandarins are especially colourful, and their crawling like behaviour coupled with their unorthodox appearance makes for some of…

Sustainable Aquatics offers tank raised little sand Dragonets

I will always have a special affection for dragonets.  When I saw a tank-raised dragonet on the Sustainable Aquatics availability list, it caught my attention – I had to ask more.  It was not one of the commonly kept species…

OMG! Fish voyeur heaven: Mandarinfish caught in the act

Mating rituals in the marine world are always intriguing and can be elusive to catch on camera especially when it comes to the reef denizens. This great video chronicles the Striped Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) spawning on a reef in a…