B-Box Aquarium shares one of the closest videos of Earle’s fairy wrasse yet

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9LHRySIogw[/youtube] What can we say about Cirrhilabrus earli that we haven’t written many times before? This rare fairy wrasse first discovered in Palau is simply a stunning fish and the new video from B-Box Aquarium is one of the clearest…

Cirrhilabrus earlei, Earle’s fairy wrasse pair relocated to Japanese Vessel

Earle’s fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus earlei, is one of the newest and rarest fairy wrasses in the world. This species was only discovered in the depths of Palau in 2001 at over 260 feet, 80 meters deep. The pair of C.…