Calumia sleeper gobies are unique and pretty much unknown

Calumia is a genus of sleeper gobies comprising some pretty unique fishes. Not very much is known about them and very little pictures of live specimens are available. The live picture of C. profunda above clearly shows the unique angular…

Proaquatix Annouces New Captive-Bred Watchman Goby Species

Commercial Marine Ornamental Fish Breeder Proaquatix promised more surprises for 2011 –  the announcement of captive bred bluefin watchman goby is one we couldn’t have predicted.  The Bluefin or Y-Bar Watchman Goby, Cryptocentrus fasciatus, isn’t commonly available in the trade…

Eviota ancora and E. rubriguttata gobies formerly known as Eviota sp. 7 and E. sp. 15

Eviota ancora and Eviota rubriguttata are the latest new species of nano gobies to be formally described and given a proper scientific name. The nano gobies formerly known as Eviota sp. 7 and Eviota sp. 15 were described from specimens…