Semilarvatus Makes One of the Rarest Butterflyfish Hybrids

It’s been a long while since we’ve had a fun butterflyfish hybrid to share with you but what’s cool about this specimen is that it is an aquarium established fish. The parents of this outbred fish were Chaetodon lineolatus and C. semilarvatus,…

Rare Spotfin x Foureye Butterflyfish Hybrid Collected By Dynasty Marine

A very rare hybrid of the spotfin and four-eye butterflyfish was recently collected by Dynasty Marine in South Florida. The hybrid specimen shows an appearance with a near 50/50 split in the features of its parent, resulting in a ghostly…

Time Travel Thursday: Mr Wong’s collection from the film era

In our previous installation with regards to Mr. Wong, we took a look at some of his existing collection of butterflyfish in his home aquarium. Today we’re stepping into a time machine to explore some of Mr. Wong’s fish that he…

Meyer and reticulate butterflyfish hybrid from the Marshall Islands

It’s been a little bit since we’ve dug up a butterflyfish hybrid, so how about a Chaetodon cross that we haven’t seen before? While some hybrid Chaetodon butterflyfish can be hard to place, this little fishy is an obvious cross…

Klein butterflyfish hybrid could grow into a fantastic clownish pattern

If hybrid butterflfyfish have shown us anything it’s that the recombination of different Chaetodon species can take on many forms. Case in point is this super unusual hybrid Klein’s butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleini crossed with a very rare species for the region. Wayne’s…

Raccoon X Panda butterflyfish cross makes for one dreamy looking hybrid

Raccoon butterflyfish are one of the commonest species of Chaetodon in aquariums, while Panda butterflfyfish, Chaetodon adiergastos are very seldom kept in captive aquariums. You can gather how exciting then, it was to discover this stunning cross of raccoon and…

Hybrid tinkers and fourspot butterflyfish from Wayne’s Ocean World

Tinker’s butterflyfish is one of the most highly sought after Chaetodon species so a hybrid of this magnificent fish is quite a sight to behold. The image of the hybrid Tinker’s butterflyfish above was shared with us by Wayne’s Ocean World…

French Butterflyfish, Prognathodes guyanensis available for the first time from LiveAquaria, hybrid coming soon

The French Butterflyfish, Prognathodes guyanensis, is an extremely rare deepwater Caribbean butterflyfish which has very seldomly been collected for the aquarium trade. Most fish books list this species as being widespread in the Caribbean and absent from Florida, but recently,…

Hybrid butterflyfish from Hawaii blends Chaetodon miliaris and C. multicinctus

This hybrid Chaetodon butterflyfish from Hawaii may not seem like much at his small size, but when this little gem grows up he’ll probably throw out a neat blend of features from his supposed parents, Chaetodon miliaris and C. multicinctus.…