Tridacna ‘maxea’: New giant clam hybrid of Tridacna maxima x T. crocea

It’s not everyday that we get a new giant clam species but this week’s coral shipment to the LFS included a special sumthin for the clam lovers. Although T. derasa and T. squamosa hybrids have been around for years, the…

Eastern Indian Ocean region identified as a hotspot of reef fish hybridization

The isolated islands of Cocos-Keeling and Christmas in the Eastern Indian Ocean are a very special place for reef fish. The islands are home to the endemic joculator angelfish and they have become recognized as containing the highest diversity of…

One of a kind Fisher x Potters pigmy angelfish hybrid

Hawaiian fish collector William Crook gets our kudos for collecting this beautiful pigmy angelfish hybrid of two Hawaiian endemics. The fish in the image above is very likely a naturally occuring and very rare cross of Centropyge fisheri and Centropyge…