LEDs in Action: Eco-Lamps from Honk Kong with love

Right on cue with the halt of domestic LED aquarium light manufacturing, the Honk Kong based Eco-Lamps is now getting some attention for it’s decent looking LED aquarium lights. The Eco-lamps line of LEDs for aquarium use seem to be…

LEDs in Action: DIY LED Lighting by SMGS,LLC

‘LEDs in Action’ is a new mini series from Reef Builders to highlight the importance and potential of LED technology for the home aquarium. Sure, LED lights are facing the end of the line for the aquarium industry. Who knows…

LEDs in Action: There is no shame in being a halfway DIYer

‘LEDs in Action’ is a new mini series from Reefbuilders to highlight the importance and potential of LED technology for the home aquarium. Given the perilous environment for LED fixtures in the aquarium industry, the technophile aquarist looking to brighter…

More details emerge as the LED patent storm rages on

The story which we posted two days ago about Orbitec suing PFO is just a small glimpse of the dramatic saga that will affect the future of LEDs in the marine aquarium trade for a long time to come. Following…

Big trouble brewing for the future of aquarium LEDs

Well we started hearing murmurs of trouble brewing at PFO and our investigation has revealed some startling news which will affect the future of all LEDs for aquarium use. The story all began when we were informed that PFO Lighting,…

Oh boy, cheap white LEDs that last 60 years

Researchers at Cambridge University have been developing a new type of LED bulb which could revolutionize lighting for the home and for aquariums. Traditional LEDs are made by growing Gallium Nitride onto sapphire wafers but the new bulbs are made…

A closer look at the “LED Lighting & Effects System” from aquaFX

The aquaFX LED lighting system which we reported on a few months ago has come one step closer to availability with some pricing, release dates and more details about what this light actually is. The basic kit for this LED…

Fauna Marin LED lighting system staying in Germany for now

While you probably haven’t seen it, the Fauna Marine LED lighting system is alive and well over in the mother reef country that is Germany. The system which promises to be able to program just about any combination of modes…

Neo Reef LED light from Azoo wants to illumnate your reef

Azoo palm aquarium the company that imports a great variety of products from oversees has a new product up their sleeves, the neo reef LED light. Which almost could be called the nano light, but apparently Azoo wanted to be…

PFO Aquatics ditching halides and going all LED

We recently heard straight from the horses mouth that the aquarium division of PFO Lighting, PFO Aquatics is now only manufacturing LED based lights for use on aquariums. The news comes from Joy Meadows, the division’s chief representative and the…