We have seen some startling price tags on some rare saltwater fish and collector corals, but nothing compares to paying $300,000 for a red Asian Arowana. In a new book, The Dragon Behind the Glass: A True Story of Power,…
Why Are We Drawn to Marine Aquarium Keeping?
Recently, while going through the motions of an overdue water change in my 125-gallon FOWLR tank, I found myself reflecting upon this bizarre obsession of ours. I wondered why, given all the cost, effort, and frustration that go into setting…
Do you ever get that feeling? The High. Are you a fish geek too?
Obsessed. To be obsessed about something. It’s such a beautiful word. Loud. Expressive. Used to convey an insufferable expression of fixation about something. Isn’t it wonderful? To be filled with that mind controlling thought. The poison that drips from the very cosmos of…