It’s no secret that our society loves the combination of red and white colors, which is no doubt why it is employed so much during winter festivities. But it turns out that nature really appreciates this peppermint or candy cane…
Dr. Andrew Rossiter provides insights on Waikiki’s Peppermint and Abei Angelfish
Waikiki’s newest Peppermint Angelfish is looking mighty fine after worrying us for a bit due to some mild initial aggression it was getting from its tank mates. We’re happy to know that the aggression has completely dissipated and the Peppermint…
Video update on Waikiki’s newest Peppermint Angelfish, maybe more on the way
The newest Peppermint Angelfish that was received by Waikiki Aquarium has been put on display. It has been about two months since the news of the new Peppermint Angelfish hit the interweb and within that time frame, it has been…