PlanktoMarine Live, a new live plankton food from GroTech

GroTech PlanktoMarine Live is a new refrigerated, ultra-dense, live form of phytoplankton recently released to the German market. According to the company, the 20ml package of PlanktoMarine Live is comparable to a 1.8 liter bottle of traditional live plankton solutions. The highly…

BP Oil Spill: Cold-Water Reefs Threatened

While the Deepwater Horizon oil geyser spill continues to stir political debate and attention, a lesser known problem is also being documented.  It turns out that oil is actually leaking into the water.  Who knew?  This information may hit mainstream media sometime…

Bioluminescent plankton: aglow in the ocean

If you’ve had the unique privilege of witnessing bioluminescent plankton while diving at night, you know firsthand how beautiful the underwater light show can be. For those of us who haven’t experienced it, this unique phenomenon. So what makes this…