Aberrant one of a kind ghost anthias emits a spooky purple glow

Something fishy is going on in the reefs of Bali. Either a radioactive uranium vein is mutating the resident reef fish, or Bali collectors are paying special attention to aberrant specimens. It’s highly likely that the latter is the more…

Build My LED aims to satiate your purple desires

As coral nuts, we have an incredible appetite for blue and purple lighting. The short wavelengths help our fluorescent colors pop and flood our rooms with the calming glow. To satiate our hunger for the purple lighting, Build My LED analyzed one of…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

Purple Tassled Rhino Scorpionfish up on Unique Corals

Unique Corals got their hands on a rare purple coloration of a rhinopias fish, while the rhinopias has been seen in the aquarium trade, this rare purple coloration is something to get excited about. Rhinopias are great fish for a…