Digital Aquatics and Eshopps get their float on

Both Digital Aquatics and Eshopps recently released float switch kits in the market with two different approaches—Eshopps is great for adding a simple analog top off float valve and Digital Aquatics for harnessing the power of your aquarium controller. Looking…

$119 will buy you new RKM-NET module for ReefKeeper Elite

The new module which allows your ReefKeeper elite to go surf the internet is said to be released soon. We first reported this module back in May. The $119 entry price will get you a single bus controller and you’ll…

Reef Keeper Elite Promo, get $100 for your old controller

The folks over at Digital Aquactics (they make that Reef Keeper Elite if haven’t been reading) are offering a crisp clean $100 for your old controller. You’ll get that $100 bonus if you purchase a Reef Keeper Elite they will…

ReefKeeper Elite 1.08 firmware released + RKM-MLC, Moonlight Controller

The ReefKeeper Elite just got a fresh new firmware version, 1.08 has been released for the masses. You’ll want to upgrade to this new firmware version if your interested in running their new RKM-MLC, Moonlight Controller. Among the updated functionality…

New Reef Keeper Elite Firmware 1.07 coming, 2.0 due later this year

Digital Aquatics was kind enough to respond to an earlier report about Reef Keeper elite owners not being happy. Of the issues reported, most if not all of them will be fixed in the coming 1.07 update. That update will…

Reef Keeper Elite users are *%#!, want money back

Turns out that Reef Keeper Elite might have been released too soon. Or at least thats what some owners are saying. With a horde of bug problems with the Reef Keeper Elite one owner had this to say: “As far…

GHL Profilux sez their units are “Bug Free”, takes aim at the Reef Keeper Elite

The problems and bugs that affect the current Reef Keeper Elite system are no secret to anyone. Released with much fanfare, the system was said to be able to control just about anything on your saltwater aquarium. To the Reef…

Reefkeeper Elite unboxing pictures

If you have the inkling to see complete unboxing pictures then you might want to check out Derek M. Rodner’s blog who has a new reefkeeper elite, bugs and all up for display. To see the host of pictures click…

Reefkeeper Elite bugs are a-plenty

The new ReefKeeper Elite was released and pre orders were taken in a very short time period. Because of this a fair amount of users have been experienceing bugs from the Reef Keeper Elite. Digital Aquatics is hard at work…

Reefkeeper Elite draft manual posted

The reefkeeper elite manual in draft form has been posted. You can view it here (warning PDF link). The whole guide is about 37 pages, but it gives you a good idea of how many features this new unit packs.…