Stop buying saltwater fish from PETCO

Most of you know about PETCO and their saltwater fish problems. It is no secret. For years, PETCO has had a real problem keeping saltwater fish and livestock alive. I’m not sure why they have this problem. It’s not exactly…

Red Blotched Perchlet saltwater fish profile

The Red Blotched Perchlet known as Plectranthias inermis as the scientific name. The Red Blotched perchlet comes from Indonesia and the Phillippines, if you happen to live on the UK, most of those specimens originate from Balinese waters. This is…

Achilles Surgeonfish tang saltwater fish profile

The Achilles surgetonfish or tang is mostly imported from Hawaii, but it is not an easy species to keep in captivity. Achilles tangs can reach up to 19.5 inches and eats filamentous and macroalgae on exposed reefs. However if you…