Ever since the teardrop clam became officially described as a distinct species, we’ve really made an effort to notice and document Tridacna noae whenever possible. Thankfully, in just one year we’ve witnessed this unique bivalve all over the world. In just…
Teardrop squamosa clam masquerades as Tridacna noae
You’re probably familiar with teardrop ‘maxima’ clams which were recently described as a new species, Tridacna noae. But have you ever heard of a teardrop Squamosa clam? Us neither, but this recently revealed specimen acquired by Global Reef Supply sure does…
Cool Tonga giant clams coming through Pacific Aqua Farms
After years of shipping out some really neat corals, the Kingdom of Tonga has finally moved forwards with permits for the export of wild, giant clams. Tonga is in the heart of giant clam biodiversity with at least eight of…
Are these possibly teardrop x maxima clam hybrids?
It was quite amazing news to discover that the recognizable clams we’ve long called Teardrop Maximas are in fact a distinct species, Tridacna noae. Being ever the inquisitive aquarium journalists that we are, the notion of a new species of…
Teardrop ‘maxima’ clams are now a distinct species, Tridacna noae
Tridacna noae is a newly recognized species of giant clam which reefers have been enjoying in our aquariums for many years now. We’ve always been told that the morphology of the shells of giant clams is the key to identifying…