The Pros and Cons of Using a Marine Aquarium Cover Glass

To put a lid on it or not to put a lid on it, that is the question! Okay, with profuse apologies to the Melancholy Dane, the point I’d like to mull over in today’s post is whether it’s a…

DIY Marine Aquarium Chiller

Aquatic creatures, with the exception of mammals, are all cold-blooded animals. Some sharks and tuna slightly warm their blood through the movement of their muscles, but we don’t normally keep pelagic sharks or tuna in our tanks, so we don’t…

Do You Need a Chiller for Your Marine Aquarium?

In a previous post titled “Turning Up the Heat on Tropical Saltwater Aquariums,” I explained that it’s important to maintain a stable water temperature somewhere in the range of 76° and 80°F in marine tanks, and that using a quality…

Acclimating Corals in 4 Easy Steps

Is there a better feeling than adding something new to your reef tank? Buying new corals feels like opening presents on a holiday. We got in some new corals and while acclimating them to our tanks, it reminded me how…

Turning Up the Heat on Tropical Saltwater Aquariums

The vast majority of saltwater aquarium hobbyists choose to keep fish and invertebrates that were collected on and around tropical coral reefs. Thus, if they want to keep their marine livestock alive and thriving, it’s essential that they maintain tropical…