Today’s Friday Smorgasbord features some cool stories ranging from robotic fish, pesky dolphins, fun facts about fish and one of the deepest fish you’ll ever meet! Cool Robotic Fish The robot fish This MIT robot has fish convinced it’s one…
Monterey Bay gets new reality show
California’s Monterey Bay is getting its own reality TV show thanks to a partnership between PBS and the BBC showcasing marine life in Monterey Bay. For three nights starting August 31, viewers will get a live look at whales, sea…
Seeing sperm whales sleeping is pretty darn cool
We have all been pretty tired at times and may have caught ourselves nodding off while waiting in line for an early flight, on the subway to work or elsewhere, but seeing how sperm whales sleep is pretty darn cool.…
Friday Smorgasbord: Reef smells, dogs, camo and drones
It has been far too long between posting our last Friday Smorgasbord and since summer is nearly over and we are all back to the normal grind, it made sense to dust off the typewriter and craft a new smorgasbord…
Friday Smorgasbord: Corals, eels, cuttles and whales
We can’t believe another month has passed us by! Summer is now in full swing and we aren’t taking a vacation from our Friday Smorgasbord, so slather on the sun screen and lets go. Macro photography in the aquarium is…
Friday Smorgasbord: Tracy Morgonian gets Incognito Sofa Love, gray whales, atolls and more
Hey! It’s Friday and that means another fresh edition of the Friday Smorgasbord fresh out of the oven. This week we have a few good nuggets including an audio post, whales and coral atolls. Let’s get the party started right…
Friday Smorgasbord: Algae apartments, ocean currents and more
The worlds first algae-powered building is now operating in Hamburg, Germany. The 15-unit apartment building uses 129 algae filled louvered tanks hanging over the exterior of the south-east and south-west sides of the building. The algae grows and shades the building…
Friday Smorgasbord: A lot about stories about dolphins and more
As we’re waiting for Happy Hour and our weekend to officially start, we’ve got a dose of ocean-related goodies to share in this installment of the Friday Smorgasbord. We could probably call this edition Dolphin Tales since there are a…
Friday Smorgasbord: Aquarium Sage, coral disease, why oceans matter, killer catfish and classy bettas
Takashi Amano, the master of modern planted aquarium design and a man we have much respect for, was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal. The “Sage of Aquariums” mastered the art of taking an aquarium and creating lush landscapes…