Doctor Eco Systems is a relatively new, self styled group with a focus on providing low cost, high quality, food stuffs for your marine aquaria. I have met with the group several times at various shows around the country and have been impressed by their philosophy of local sourcing key ingredients in their products and spending the time and effort on research and sustainable production.
At one of these shows I acquired the Docs Eco Eggs which I have to say, my fish go absolutely mad for. More recently I picked up a few packs of the Doc’s Eco Eggs Brew- with the intent to see how my corals liked it. As described by the Doc, John Hirsch M.D., himself- The Eco Egg Brew is a special brew of the Doc’s Eco Eggs in a rich brine solution. It has a 12.7% protein and 1.26 fat content that is high in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.
What this translates to is a very thick, nutritious paste that has a vast array of particle sizes from the intact egg to tiny fragments suitable for the most picky filter feeders. The pack is a simple squirt bottle that can be used to directly feed the tank, but I prefer to first dilute the Brew in tank water and directly target feed the corals.
My initial impressions were favorable, apart from the fish dining on the whole eggs, the diluted brew initiated a good feeding response on the corals I tried such as Acanthastrea, Fungia and various other LPS. Tubastrea were also a huge fan of the Brew. In each case the feeder tentacles could be seen avidly seeking particles and taking them up. I have been using this product now for a few months and have been impressed with the shelf life, ease of use and most importantly the overall health of the corals we are propagating.
The only downside, if it is such, is the fish seem to really like this product. Dilution in tank water helps break the particles to a size that is overlooked by the fish, but there are quite a few eggs in the brew as well. To me this isn’t actually an issue at all as my fish look pretty healthy too. Another interesting response I have noted is that the various shrimp, acro crabs and other filter feeders such as Coco worms also react strongly to the addition of the Brew to the tank- especially the fire shrimp which actually come out into the light for once.
Overall impression: I love this stuff, but more importantly my corals love it too. It may be wishful thinking on my part, but the Acans and Scolymia look incredibly vibrant and full and I am getting good overall growth on the other LPS frags in the system and I will continue to use this product in my systems.
The Docs Eco Eggs Brew retails at 15.99 from their website; The Doc, and his team will be at MACNA in Denver. If you are lucky enough to be attending, swing by and check out some of their great videos of feeding responses to their various products.