Cairns Marine
6 Articles0 Comments

Cirrhilabrus squirei gets range extended like a trailing caudal fin

Cirrhilabrus squirei, one of the newest additions to the Fairy Wrasse stable, has until now only been known from a small area on the Great Barrier Reef and one reef in the Coral Sea off North Queensland, Australia. A recent…

Not True To Name – a variation of the red tailed flasher wrasse, Paracheilinus rubricaudalis, found on the GBR

The Flasher Wrasses, like their cousins the Fairy Wrasses, epitomize what a great, reef-safe marine fish really is. One of the newest species on the block, Paracheilinus rubricaudalis or the Redtailed Flasher Wrasse described by Randall and Allen in 2003,…

Opistognathus seminudus — Have you seen this Jawfish?

Does anyone know of another one of these Jawfish — Opistognathus seminudus or the Semi-naked jawfish — in captivity in the world? We believe this rarely seen species has only found its way into the aquarium trade a couple times but we’re…

“Golden Boy” coral beauty angelfish

“Golden Boy” is a stunning example of an aberrant Centropyge bispinosa. This unusual color form was first reported in the mid 1980’s from Pago Pago in American Samoa by two aquarium fish collectors, John Drieberg and Brian Champ. Initially this…

A couple of hybrid Thalassoma wrasses found in Australia

Hybridised animals never cease to amaze and even the most jaded collector is not immune to their uniqueness  The random combination of DNA thrown together by nature’s genetic dice can often prove more surprising than our wildest imaginations.  If someone…

Blackspot pygmy angelfish found living in Australia, net-caught and MAC certified

This feature of the blackspot pygmy angelfish is a great inaugural post from what will become a regular contribution from various team members of Cairns Marine. Being one of Australia’s largest marine life collectors comes with its perks and when…