It looks like Hawaii isn’t fond of everybody coming over there and scoping up all the saltwater fish. Granted, we can’t say we blame them. A new bill is being considered for an act limiting twenty fish per person per day of “ornamental fish”, including yellow tangs, flame angels and butterfly’s. There is a maximum of five yellow tangs on the bag limit. Meaning you can’t catch more then 5 yellow tangs in a day. Granted, all of this is a bill that is being considered (aka not law yet), but this could get pushed thru to an act, putting this act into effect. Hawaii will dish out $100k to do a yellow tang stock assessment, as soon as this is done, this bill might be come law. After July 1, 2008. If this law does go into affect, expect yellow tang prices to shoot up from lack of supply in the US, going back down to normal levels once yellow tangs come in from other countries to offset Hawaii’s act. All in all, if this does become law, we doubt it will affect yellow tang prices that much.
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