The Red Blotched Perchlet known as Plectranthias inermis as the scientific name. The Red Blotched perchlet comes from Indonesia and the Phillippines, if you happen to live on the UK, most of those specimens originate from Balinese waters. This is considered a rare species and few specimens are collected, making it one of the more expensive fishes.
Size: Males and females up to 1.8 inches in size.
Feeding: In the wild amphipods and other small crustaceans. Accepts most frozen foods in the aquarium
Location: Indonesia and the Phillippines mainly.
Breeding: Hasn’t been recorded yet of breeding, but it is possibly in a larger system.
Tank Size: 13 gallon, a great fish for a nano aquarium. If you want to house two, the min tank size is about 40 gallons.
Tank introduction: Any larger fish will most likely bully the Red Blotched Perchlet.
Word of Caution: This species needs lots of time devoted to it, they aren’t difficult to keep in a aquarium however this fish prefers the more dimly lit areas of the home aquarium and isn’t the most obvious fish in the aquarium. However having this fish in your aquarium is sure to be a nice bragging right.
Coral compatibility: Will not harm corals, and commonly kept invertebrates.