The Percula Clownfish known as Amphiporion percula as the scientific name. The Percula Clownfish comes from Australia, New Guinea, and Melanesia to the east towards the Solomon islands. This is very similar to Amphipron ocellaris, the percula generally has more black pigment on the body. It lives with three host anemones species: Geteractis magnifica, H. crispa and Stichodactyla gigantea. Using these three anemones will insure that the clownfish will host with it faster then an unfamiliar species.
Size: Males 2.4-2.75 inches in size, and females up to 4.3 inches.
Feeding: Wild collected will eat finely chopped shellfish, mysis and brineshrimp and perhaps dried foods in time. Tank raised will eat dried foods such as flake and pellet immediately.
Location: Australia, New Guinea, and Melanesia to the east towards the Solomon islands.
Breeding: Yes this fish is the most popular fish raised in captivity.
Tank Size: 25 gallons for a pair. 13 gallons for a singles.
Behavior: A clownfish will vigorously defend its own host anemone and generally is more violent with its own species.
Word of Caution: On wild collected specimens they should have clear eyes and no turbidity of the skin. On captive bred fish look for congenital deformities like misshapen heads, missing gill covers, etc.
Coral compatibility: Will not harm corals or ornamental shrimp. In the absence of a host anemone it might adopt a “surrogate.” Some of the favorites are Sarcophyton spp. soft corals and Goniopora spp. hard corals. The coral will become irritated so that polyp extension does not occur or becomes reduced.