We heard rumors of this product being pushed around in the minds of some senior Hana Marine executives, and we didn’t want to get teachers hopes up across the country. After all, would you think that you could get a complete reef kit in a backpack? Yeah, we didn’t either. This kit is called the “educational kit” and we can see why, it comes in a backpack after all. All education revolves around backpacks. This is school 101 isn’t it? Now, this educational backpack is packing quite a punch it includes among other things: “110 tests each for Acidity and Alkalinity, 100 tests for Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, Dissolved Oxygen, Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Salinity, Conductivity, and temperature. A temperature tester, TDS tester, hydrometer and a Secchi disk with a stylish backpack, teachers manual, a CD for terms and powerpoint presentations and other school related items like laboratory instruction cards. Besides being great for classrooms, you might want to get this to teach your children how to test your tank’s water parameters or to train to be a future marine biologist. You can pick up this complete backpack kit for around $310 and is now shipping from Hana Marine online and local retailers.
Hana Marine Educational Science Backpack…wait, what?

Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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