If by slight chance you wanted to get your hands on a Mccullochi clownfish then look no further then eBay. Someone is selling one fish for a cool $2900. That’s not all of course, two are available and if you are interested in the other your invited to submit a request. That’s cool and all, but don’t you think the seller at least could pick up the shipping tab of $60? Ouch. And here we thought Live Aquaria’s shipping charges were ridiculous. You can grab a peek-see over here on eBay.
Mccullochi clownfish up on eBay, where else?
Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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