Having an reef aquarium is pretty exciting for most addicts. It’s several sheets of glass that are shapped like a box or rectangle in most cases. However, what you could start is a reef aquarium with this modern designed sink. The sink which is fully functional and has two openings to allow you to feed and do tank maintenance can be yours. Granted you’d most likely have to install lighting around the sink if you wanted light demanding corals such as the Pocillopora damicornis or Seriatopora hystrix. Then again, when a guest of your house used the sink then you’d have a complete set of bragging rights. How much will these bragging rights cost you? $4700. Which includes a powerhead, gravel and two soap dishes which double as the ports to do feedings and tank maintenance like we mentioned earlier. We’re sure that you’d get responses like “Oh my god” from fellow reef addicts upon seeing this glass aquarium sink.
The modern design aquarium sink gives ultimate bragging rights