While we originally spied this frag system back at Interzoo, we finally are starting to see adoption in the US and UK markets. This frag system is winning praise from anyone using it, as fragging soft corals is some what of a pain messing with rubberbands and such. The Korallen Zucht frag soft coral frag system doesn’t need rubberbands to work. The patented system is one easy way to frag soft corals. A 10 piece pack will run you about $30, or $3 per frag. The nice thing is these are easily re-used and higher quality than other ceramic frag kits with a higher cost to boot.
Korallen Zucht Frag Soft Socket kit
Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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