Having a Reverse Osmosis unit is great and while some of us may have decided to opt for the premium DI upgrade option, SpectraPure has indeed covered those of you who didn’t. The MaxCap 2-stage system is premium upgrade add-on that will work with your existing RO system. The MaxCap DI cartridge claims to have “over 3 times more deionizing cartridge” which makes us a little suspicious. Needless to say Spectra pure is still touting this as a way for you to produce DI quality water “at less than half of any other dual stage DI system”. This add on comes complete with built in TDS meter, mounting bracket, Max Cap DI cartridge, Silica buster cartridge and universal filter wrench. The TDS meter is more than a normal TDS meter it will determine when the MaxCap DI TM Cartridge is exhausted and when the output TDS exceeds 75% of the input TDS which means you’ll need to change the cartridge. This system retails for $95 and most Spectra Pure retailers will carry it.
Spectra Pure MaxCap 2-Stage System

Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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