One thing we’ve noticed with Zeovit tanks is that their colors are very brillant and bright, something that draws in new Zeovit users every year. The newest tank of the quarter is no exception as the owner goes on to state: “The current display tank is the result of an up-grade from my old 70gal. system. Wich was a mixt tank (sps, lps, softs, zoos, coralimorpheans), the system developed in an incredible way and collapsed 3 years later. This event and my passion for reefs, forced me to do researching into the causes of this nasty and expensive disaster, so that it wouldn’t happen again. I applied all the knowledge into my new tank, one of the “basic rules†was to decide which system I wanted since the beginning, this was basic in order to prepare and adapt everything under this goal. Through the pass of the years a lot of friends gave something, trough their personal experiences and comments which helped me in my quest.
The main water flow is made by a Lg mdqx-4 external pump (1350gal), in addition this and as a requirement of an intern high flow in order to keep sps, the flow is complemented with a refflo dart (3500 gal) in an ocean motion flow system, and a 2 tunze stream (2-12000 lt.) a 7095 multicontroler.” You can read more about the tank here.