The Maxspect LED lighting system that we showed you earlier this month was said to be from Japan, only its not. It’s from China. Can China produce such seemingly high quality goods? It appears that they can. MaxSpect knows the issues that the public faces with Chinese products and is offering a 18 month warranty. Smart. Their initial unit focuses more on the nano aquarium side of things and is said to easily mount to a aquarium with the included detachable resting bracket. Nano aquariums such as the Elos or Current’s Solana would make a great fit. If you choose not to opt for the frame bracket you can hang the units above your aquarium and purchase as many units as you’d like in 60, 110, 160 and 180 watt varieties. We doubt we will see these units to far from Asia, but that doesn’t prevent us from wanting them any less so.
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