There is a new tank management software type service available online, the service which is called Reef Nook allows you to enter information about your tank and the creatures that live inside it. Chuck runs reef nook and offers a lot of features that will make Reef Nook a viable choice to keep stats on your aquarium. There is better news, Reef Nook works with popular aquarium controllers like Reefkeeper, AC3/Apex and Aquatronica. Profilux development is in the works so that controller will be added to the list of the already expanding controllers. I’m glad to see a service that allows you to monitor your aquarium and input tank parameters and such, as I had the idea a long time ago but from lack of time failed to do anything about it. However, Chuck seems to be doing a real good job of taking feedback and wants this to become very user friendly. To do that he needs your help to make the site better, so be sure to drop on over to Reef Nook and get your free account.
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