Aracadia, the master lighting company headquartered in the United Kingdom, has a LED lighting solution that is available for commercial properties. These properties of course being local fish store installations, could seek to benefit from the addition of power saving technologies of LED. “The first installation of a new low energy LED lighting system from Arcadia has just been completed at the Maidenhead Aquatics store in Brighton,” said Arcadia. “Each one metre LED tube draws only 22 watts of electricity, so for each 2.4m bay there is a 120 Watt energy saving.” (compared to regular T8 lamps). “Additionally, with a life expectancy of around five years, a single LED unit will last as long as three fluorescent lamps, assuming lamps are changed after 18 months, and as LED tubes do not contain mercury (which is highly toxic) end of life recycling is simpler.” While these installations aren’t mainstream, we wouldn’t at all be surprised to start seeing these being setup in other stores across the world as shop owners are eager to reduce their electricity costs.
via [PFK]