Korallen Zucht which makes products like Zeovit thought it might be a good idea to release their KZ Super Blue T5 lamp to the masses over in Germany. We should start to see the distribution chain sprinkle out from there. You might be part of the large group wanting to get a hold of Korallen Zucht’s newest T5 lighting bulb they will be available in either 24, 39, 54 and 80 watts with pricing from $24 and peaking out around $40 depending on your retailer. To date Korallen Zucht has made a great effort to fill in their line of T5 lighting tubes to give you great choice in filling in your T5 fixture, with KZ Coral Light New Generation (14k), Coral Light Fiji Purple (blue/red), Coral Light (close to 10k?), and finally the new Coral Light Superblue tube which will fill in the 20k spot. The picture above has Korallen Zucht’s newest T5 lights including the brand new Superblue with Fiji Purple and New Generation added in for extra flavor.
via [Zeovit]