This video has been on the internet for a few years but it still gives us a look inside the world of non-photosynthetic corals that can be kept within the aquarium. If you have the time and patience then corals such as Gorgonians, Rhizotrochus typusi, Dendronephthia’s, and Tubastrea’s should become easy to grow. While most of us don’t have the time to keep these harder corals we can always watch HD video and become friends with the people that do. I would suggest to bring beer over to their house, that usually is always welcomed, and perhaps a side of mysis cocktail.
Non-photosynthetic Reef Tank in HD
Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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