Some of you might have seen me at shows wearing the above shirt. It supports the movement that is “No Shark Fining”. If you aren’t aware it is a big problem and sharks fins are used in Shark Fin soup. is a campaign to achieve worldwide ban on shark finning. That means that all sharks caught must be landed intact – their fins must not be removed while the shipping vessel is at sea. You can do your part by ordering a shirt and wearing it around large events. You can read more about shark fining by clicking the read more link below.
“Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark’s fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea. The sharks either starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown (if they are not in constant movement their gills cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being “harvested” in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy.
Not only is the finning of sharks barbaric, but their indiscriminate slaughter at an unsustainable rate is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Since the 1970s the populations of several species have been decimated by over 95%. Due to the clandestine nature of finning, records are rarely kept of the numbers of sharks and species caught. Estimates are based on declared imports to shark fin markets such as Hong Kong and China.”