The Atlanta Reef Club, which successfully hosted the 2008 Macna in Atlanta has been having domain problems. Apparently the issue has stemmed from a user who was banned. That user then sent in a copyright infringement notice directed to the Atlanta Reef Club (ARC), that notice caused their host to suspend their service, rendering their website null and void. When persons tried to access the site, you would get a “Page cannot be found error”. The ARC did finally get their site online, with about two days of total unscheduled downtime.
One interesting thing to note though, is that the copyright notice that was filed was regarding images. The images were uploaded by the banned user and then apparently when he was banned; got upset and retaliated against the reef club. Do you think it was right that a user can upload images to a forum and then claim a copyright infringement case? What about the web host? Who would give credibility to a user who was banned?
Update: It seems the user just linked to photos on the forum, he didn’t upload them.