[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XKM2ayELNg[/youtube]
When ATI released their new I series powercone skimmer, some of you asked why ATI released an I Series when they just recently released the original powercone line. You weren’t the only ones, as we asked that question too. Apparently we now have an answer. A recent video that was recorded back in February shows an Italian aquarist’s power cone skimmer. In the video, you’ll see him turn the power off and then back on again only to find that his skimmer pump does not work. In Europe, numerous users were complaining about the same issues such as the “skimmer wheel” or “rotor” breaking after 3 weeks. This has also been reported on numerous international forums. ATI has taken care of the original powercone owners and it looks like the I series skimmer is a necessary replacement for the original powercone. However, we do not have a confirmed ETA of when the new I Series will be released but do not expect to be able to pick up the later generation any longer.
Update: We received word from ATI:
it is a misunderstanding that this is the reason why we release a new Powercone I-series. Of course, we had some problems. No question. But the problems we had were a result of a bad production run of impellers. Concret: the diameter of the Gridwheel was too big and the mechanical start-up aid wasn’t working perfect. If both comes together, we had start up problems like it is in the video.
But this problem was fixed and we sent good replacement impellers (smaller diameter and good mechanical start up aid) to our customers. Also, we have many happy users of the Powercone…
The real reason why we come out with the new I-series is that we want to make the pump more silent, more flexible and safer in operating. The idea was born, when we worked on the electronic controller for our brushless dc-pump that we will release in Q3this year. All we needed to do was to modify the software of the controller and to connect it to the skimmerpump. Later you all will see that the controller is identical.