Thrive Aquatics, a new supplement and online service is expected to be announced shortly. The Thrive brand products are designed for stores and maintenance companies, not online stores. The system has two major parts, the additives (1. Alkalinity 2. Calcium 3. Magnesium 4. Iodide 5. Strontium 6. Potassium) and the online analytics software that helps keep your tank in check. Hit the break below for more juicy details.
First, the line is designed to be Eco-Friendly. Thrive starts with a ultra high end recyclable aluminum billet bottle, then ask consumers to buy eco-friendly refills. The refills are packaged in a spout pack that uses about 85% less plastic than typical bottles. If a customer prefers to use their own bottle, our refills have removable labels that can be placed on any bottle. Most products are a saturated solution, to provide value and be as Eco-Friendly as possible. Thrive Aquatics did think about cutting out the water, but concluded that this would not get the mass market appeal. They do have a second phase that will include waterless additives but needs additional testing, these are not powders like everyone else.
Second, unique products. Thrive Aquatics designed some unique products such as a Frag Tree that stores frags vertically, unique coral plugs that improves flow around Frags, look better in your tank and provides a tagging system. Another unique product is call Bio-Stimulant Crush, this product is a Bio pellet that has been blended with aragonite to boost local ph, add texture and scrub bacteria.
Third is a web application called Thrive Analytics. Thrive Analytics is similar to a dosing calculator and tank log but is a bit more advanced. Thrive Analytics produces a document called a Thrive Prescription. The Thrive Prescription is a set of precise directions on how to improve your tank. You have the ability set goals, targets, and tolerances or use our predefined targets based on your livestock, equipment, and tank size. We then tell you when and how to perform the task(s) to meet these goals and targets. This recommends Thrive Aquatics’ products but also other companies products based on what is needed by the tank owner. The program will give straight forward answers to fairly complex problems that most people just guess at.
IE. You have your tank goal set for a S.G. of 1.025, the water analysis results state your S.G. is 1.021 your tolerance is .002 (meaning 1.024-1.026 is an ok range.) It will look at your stored data and tell you that you should not try to raise your S.G. more that .001 per day. To raise your S.G. remove “y” gallons of water from your tank dissolve “x” (cups or weight, selectable) of “your salt” (selectable or IO by default) in removed water. Perform this for the next 4 days. Test salt level before adding every day. Your readings should increase by .001 everyday if they do not consult your local store. This information is then added to you Aquarium task list. Your Aquarium task list is reminders of what needs to be done to your tank. Add this or clean that or time to change your bulb(s).
All of this information is stored, and used to generate a personal webpage called My Tank. My tank can be kept privet or shared. If you share your page with your local store, they can help you problem solve, input water analysis results, print you a Thrive Prescription and can even help with parts for equipment. You can select one store or 100’s stores to access your data.
Stores that are Thrive Authorized Dealers will receive free water analysis bottles to give to their customers, so they can bring water easily to the store. After the store performs a water analysis, they can either enter the information into Thrive Analytics or provide it to the customer on a Thrive Notepad (also free to Authorized Dealers). The notepad is simply a pre-printed tab to easily provide results to a customer. The customer can then put the Notepad data into Thrive Analytics to get a Thrive Prescription. This can be done on a smart phone or computer. Stores that don’t have a computers with printers to do this may want to purchase one. Why? Well not only does the Thrive Prescription tell the customer what they need to do to their tank, but it can also remind them of items they may need to perform for upcoming tank task off of the Aquarium task list. Stores can place store specials, upcoming events or other information they would like to put in their customers hands.
Hobbyist now have tank records that they can share with their friends or to the person that they sell their tank to, easy and better directions for fixing tank chemistry issues. Hobbyists can also log their aquarium creatures and share them with their friend on facebook and twitter. We will even have a space on My Tank Page for a live video stream of your tank, and much more.
We expect more information shortly. In the meantime, you can check out the teaser video.