With Reef-A-Palooza 2011 almost in full swing, the Reef Builder’s lounge is up and running and packing some heat. Housed in the new JBJ 8 gallon nano tank and equipped with the new JBJ Unibody LED reef lighting are two spectacular Captive Bred flame angelfish. Also up for display are some wicked bright Trachyphyllia and Acan lords from the South-China Sea – all livestock provided by Renaissance Aquatics. If you’re around the area here in Orange County, be sure to check up on the ReefBuilder’s lounge and say hello. A few more pics of the tank and the captive bred flame angelfish after the break.
Captive bred Flame Angelfish displaying by Reef Builder’s lounge at Reef-A-Palooza
Kai is a systematic ichthyologist at The Australian Museum, Sydney. His research interests combine the use of cutting-edge next generation sequencing techniques with traditional methods of morphology to better understand the evolutionary history of coral reef fishes. He is a legacy ReefBuilders contributor, having previously written close to give hundred articles under his pseudonym LemonTYK.
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