Cirrhilabrus nahackyi has just been officially described a few days ago and here are some beautiful pictures of the species by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka. In case you have not heard, C. nahackyi is the newest member to join the Cirrhilabrus genus and hails from the exotic islands of Tonga and Fiji. For those not lucky enough to own this species, here are a few more pictures to satisfy your nahacky’s wrasse cravings.
As with the closely related Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus (Hooded Wrasse), females are harder to obtain and are more seldom seen than males. Being closely related to the above said species, the females bear an almost identical resemblance and take on a monochrome orange with faint stripes.
We hope you enjoy these pictures of C. nahackyi and a big thank you to Dr. Tanaka again for the pictures. Below is C. bathyphilus in its nuptial flashing coloration, in which the nahacky fairy wrasse is closely related to.