Digital Aquatics has been hammered lately about their older (System Lab 2) SL2 module. The module just didn’t work right, with incorrect readings with probes and what not. However, Digital Aquatics is set to release a new SL2 module that is expected to fix all those issues. What’s more, Digital Aquatics has decided to initiate a full warranty process. Meaning, if you have an older SL2 module, you’re allowed to return it for a new SL2 module as a replacement for no charge. Of course, with every update their are a few caveats, the biggest being “The new SL2v2 will require the new conductivity probe. Without a proper pairing, the unit and your readings will not be reliable or correct. Because this is so critical, we’ve changed the “jack” that we use on the probe, so that old probes will not work with new SL2s.” When will the new models ship? Digital Aquatics tells us “it looks like we’ll be about 8 weeks out due to longer than expected lead time on a couple of the new parts in the SL2 v2”.
via [Aquanerd] vs Digital Aquatics