[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i6LhaKTvOs[/youtube]
People often associate pet fish to be nowhere near as responsive as a puppy or a kitten or any other mammal for instance. The video above of a really cute and endearing pufferfish chasing a laser pointer around its tank is just one example of how aquarium fish can be entertaining too, with intelligence and curiosity beyond just eating and swimming.
Puffers, triggers and large angelfishes are known to be very responsive and somewhat smarter than your average guppy. While they cannot purr, or bark, roll over or play dead, some of these species have been known to grunt or spit water out of their tanks to get attention. Some even know how to use tools to hunt for food. And they’re not just after any attention. Oh no. They know who brings the food into the tank and who simply taps and tease. Clever little fish and cute little puffer!