More than a year ago, we reviewed the Coral Finder waterproof field guide which is arguably one of the best field guides for Indo Pacific Coral identification. Now, the same folks have release Version 2 of the Coral Finder guide with more features for less moolah. Perhpas the most exciting improvements, especially for aquarists, is the additional eye candy with over 200 new photos added to the waterproof guide.
Other useful additions include jargon and explanations on the book pages themselves, instead of having you rely on accessing this information back at your computer. Another helpful feature is pairing shots of similar corals side-by-side to help differentiate their subtle differences. Throw in a measurement scale and colors to help color-correct your photos in your favorite photo editor, and you’ve got a pretty useful field guide both for diving and at the LFS.
Check out the video, that demonstrates how to use it.