One of the cool, relatively “newer” food products by D&D Ocean Pro+ food range includes the Reef Paste, which is a nutritious, pasty dough that is very pliable and can be kneaded and stuck on almost any aquarium surface, including live rocks. The highly nutritious fishy “cookie dough” can be plastered over most surfaces to simulate a natural feeding, or grazing response to certain fish.

The Reef Paste is especially useful for grazers and picky eaters like certain Angelfish or Butterflyfishes. When I still had my reef tank, the Reef Paste was a favorite for many of my butterflyfish including the small mouthed species belonging to the Forcipiger and Chelmon genera. In particularly greedy feeding frenzies, smaller pieces may break off which provides for the shyer more reclusive species. By plastering Reef Paste over live rock, many grazing fish will find this a little more natural than floating pellets which may seem alien to them. This will inevitably result in some pecking and hopefully, illicit a more vigorous feeding response. Check out some videos below of butterflies and even a mandarin fish having a go at the Reef Paste. The next time you find yourself slaving away shelling clams or flooding the tank with brine or mysis shrimp in a futile attempt at trying to get that butterflyfish to feed, try Reef Paste. Couldn’t hurt, and definitely worth a shot!