It started with “Grunt Breeding 101” by Rising Tide and Dr. Wittenrich in 2012, who demonstrated how the smaller schooling species of Haemulon species. The techiniques used were adopted by Fisheye Aquaculture, who quickly announced their introduction of captive-bred French Grunts in 2013. Only 10 months later, Fisheye proves the success wasn’t a fluke, introducing the first captive-bred Smallmouth Grunts at the end of February, 2014.

Juvenile Smallmouth Grunts, Haemulon chrysargyreum, may not be the most stunning fish you ever laid eyes on. You might be thinking that these will only be of interest to larger institutions and public aquariums, but to hear it from Fisheye, they see big potential in the colorful, schooling fishes of the genus Haemulon. Certainly not for the smaller or nano reef, this species has the potential to reach almost 1 foot in length, but Fishbase gives a more common maximum size of around 7 inches.

Of particular note, Fisheye stated that “Small Mouth Grunts are peaceful when compared to other grunts, we do not notice the cannibalism or aggressive behavior that we have seen with French Grunts juveniles.” Currently, Fisheye is offering this species in two sizes, 1.5-2″ and 3-4″.
For more information, visit the Fisheye Aquaculture Facebook Page.