It’s Nebraska Aquatic Supply’s third anniversary this weekend and owner Jim Gryzanowski has a great time installed for everyone. Jim is a personal friend of us here at ReefBuilders and is a familiar face in the industry. NAS may be new on the block, but let me assure you they mean business. Back in 2010, they were some of the first to import Cirrhilabrus earlei into the states. This weekend, Jim is celebrating three years into the business and he wants to invite you.
NAS has gathered five renowned faces in the aquarium industry for a day’s event of scintillating talks. Join Julian Sprung of Two Little Fishies, Justin Credabel from ReefGen, Mitch Carl from the Henry Doorly Zoo as well as Tony Vargas and Mark Callahan as they discuss relevant and exciting news related to the aquarium industry and the hobby.
If you live in corn country Nebraska, there shouldn’t be a reason why you’ve not heard of this yet. Just incase you have not, RSVP at NAS’ Facebook event page, and check out the speakers schedule below. Oh did we mention that NAS is also hosting a killer raffle with a grand prize featuring a Marineland 60 gallon frameless cube with overflow and stand? Did we also forget to mention that NAS will have on display the brand new MaxSpect Gyre pump that isn’t even out in stores yet? Looks like you have no choice but to go and have fun!
11:00am Open, food,drinks etc
12:00 Julian Sprung will open the event via SKYPE with a very important topic, the ESA, PJAC and how it affects our hobby.
2-3:00 Justin Credabel Grabel Coral Grafting and fusion, Hydrogen Peroxide.
3:30-4:30 Tony Vargas. 300 Gallon tank build
5:00-6:00 Mark Callahan “Mr. Saltwater Tank Guy” How to chose your fish
6:30-7:30 Mitch Carl will discuss the latest on the SECORE project
8:00 Close.