Today’s featured reef tank is not a massive piece of room furniture, but rather a a restrained, miniature desktop masterpiece. Teenyreef’s nano reef tank is a shining example of how much you can do in the confines of a 10 gallon tank, with a very reasonable amount of effort and investment.
Although you can practically pick up Teenyreef’s aquarium even when it’s full of water, this tank has a carefully selected population of fish and corals which gives the impression of a much bigger aquarium display. One of the really neat benefits of having a smaller tank with modest light and flow requirements, is that you can easily afford to get the best aquarium equipment.
In the hardware department Teenyreef’s nano tank is rocking some of the best of the best, with an Innovative Marine 10 gallon Nuvo Fusion All in One aquarium with matching Desktop Ghost protein skimmer. The tank is lit with a NanoBox Reef Tide Plus LED light with a Bluefish controller, and the water flow is provided by the incomparable Vortech MP10 water pump.
Other very practical devices also help to maintain water quality and temperature. A 2-part solution and NO3PO4-X are automatically added with basic dosers from Bulk Reef Supply, a Tunze Nano Osmolator manages top off water from evaporation, and a Finnex heater and computer fan help to keep temperature within the exceptional range. In such a small volume of water it’s paramount to carefully manage all of these devices and their functions so an Apex Jr. ties all of these together to create a stable ecosystem.
All of this reef gear and Teenyreef’s own careful management of his nano reef has culminated into a really showy little reef tank, with a great diversity of both fish and corals. A token pair of clownfish are the main actors attraction of this tank, with a disappearing wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia) and leopard toby (Canthigaster leoparda) as supporting actors.
The selection of corals in Teenyreef’s exquisite display are also arranged into a near perfect bouquet of colorful polyps. Zoanthids, Ricordea, Micro Lords and Blastomussa populate a couple micro bommies in the bottom half of Teenyreef, while plainly colorful scrolling Montipora capricornis as being developed into a nice pinnacle in the upper reaches of the aquascape.
Two of the things that we love about Teenyreef’s 10 gallon miniature aquarium is the aquascape and the plainly beautiful corals. The scaping of this tank is both appealing and interesting, both when viewed from the front panel and from above. Furthermore, regardless of what these corals are named, the entire coral assembly is just purely aesthetically pleasing.
For more information on the history of the Teenyreef aquarium, its ups and downs and the maintenance schedule, be sure to head over to Nano-Reef for the complete rundown, after you watch this short and sweet video.