Chasing Coral is a new documentary that aims to document the increasing plight of corals around the world. The new coral movie premiered this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival and it was produced by Exposure Labs, makers of the groundbreaking Chasing Ice movie.
In this day and age, it seems like all marine life from whales to sharks to all manner of fish are under increasing pressure from a changing environment. It’s only human to be more empathetic to charismatic creatures like sea turtles and manatees, but Corals are the foundation of most shallow water tropical marine environments.
We’ve been hearing of coral bleaching for all of our lives, but there are many more threats to corals than ‘just’ a warming ocean. Nearly all human activity has a negative impact on live corals. Everything from coastal development, logging many hundreds of miles inland, dynamite fishing blasting and the growing ocean traffic all has a pretty bad effect on corals in natural reefs.
We don’t know when the Chasing Coral movie will be available to watch for the wider public, but we do know that Netflix has picked up the movie to stream on their online service. It’s well about time that threatened coral reefs and the animals that build them, Corals, had their own feature, and we can’t wait to see the film for ourselves. [Chasing Coral]