We survived tax day (for the most part), 420 and made it Friday, so time to celebrate with another addition of the Friday smorgasbord.
Comfortably Numb
A shrimp with a bright pink claw that using sonic showckwave created by rapidly snapping together was recently discovered in the Pacific Ocean and has been named after one of rock’s big fish — the legendary Pink Floyd. Synalpheus pinkfloydi belongs to the family of pistol or snapping shrimps and its name was inspired by the research team’s love of Pink Floyd’s music. We just wonder if the shrimp is in the David Gilmour camp or Roger Waters?
How Deep is Your Love?
Not this is not a Bee Gees tribute, but a nice animation that answers the question “Just how deep does the ocean go?” There are just too many interesting facts in here to highlight, so we highly recommend watching the video.
Creepy Ocean Facts
You have to wonder if a video from a site call “They Will Kill You” is worth watching, but they caught us with the title “8 Creepiest Ocean Facts & Discoveries”. The video showcases what they call the creepiest facts about the ocean and highlights creatures that are a bit creepy, some are just more interesting though — creepy may be a bit of a stretch.
More Creepy Stuff
See a mysterious and bizarre shipworm, studied for the first time by researchers. Kuphus polythalamia is a worm-like creature encased in a shell that burrows headfirst in the mud. They are found off an island in the Philippines in a sulfurous lagoon. They can’t eat wood, but rely on bacteria that live in a specialized organ to make food for them. As a result, Kuphus has shrunken digestive organs and a non-functional mouth.
How to Slap a Fish
Why not? Its Friday afterall!