The Wavereef R1 Protein Skimmer is the latest line of internal protein skimmers from the company released earlier this year. Using an AC needlewheel pump designed to their specs and a patented skimming system according to the data we received.
There are four models in the line ranging from the R1-130 rated to 140G tanks, the R1-160 rated for 240G, the R1-200 for tanks up to 400G and all the way up to the R1-250 rated for tanks up to 550G. The air draw on these are 400 liters for the R1-130 and 600l, 900l and 1,000l for the other three models.
Overall they are in line with many others when it comes to in-sump footprints with 6 x 6 in. and 7 x 7 in. footprints for the smaller two and 8.6 x 8.6 in. and 10.6 x 10.6 for the larger two.
From the few images we have seen, its hard to determine all the nuances of this skimmer, but they appear to use bubble plate without holes over the intake pump outlet, to add to the dwell time and kick up the bubbles. It also appears to use some sort of adjustable gate valve.
We’re still waiting to hear on the pricing but would probably guess these are designed to compete on price with others in the market.