Connect your classroom with Explorers Live CARMABI Research Station, Curaçao.
Coral Live is an interactive classroom experience, bringing learning and science to life. Coral Live 2018 is the 3rd annual event immersing classrooms around the world in ocean science. Registration is still open for classes starting October 29th.
Students have the opportunity to interact directly with scientists and expedition teams at the frontiers of understanding our planet. Each Explore Live event combines direct interaction via video link-up, with Digital Explorer’s resources, videos, photo gallery and 360-degree virtual reality content to create a complete learning package.
This years event will be live streaming from CARMABI Research Centre from the island of Curaçao in the Caribbean. Each year scientist broadcast from different ocean environments around the globe from both polar regions and many places in between.
These free lessons are appropriate for students from age 5 to 16.
Running on Digital Explorer’s YouTube Live Channel, teachers will be able to introduce their students to any of the five topics: an introduction to coral, coral ecosystems, corals and climate change, the deep reef and the coral adaptation.
Each day of broadcasts will be dedicated to one of these themes and classes can choose from three different live broadcast formats running twice daily, live investigations, interviews with experts and Ask-Me-Anything sessions.
To participate, teachers will need to register via an online booking form and will also be able to download free lessons resources, activities, teacher guidance and the opportunity to submit their class questions in advance.
Not a teacher? Anyone can still learn about coral through the Digital Explorer Resource page.